CCD Digital Sessions 2016-17

Sl No.DepartmentFile nameFaculty nameDate of exportOnline location
1ChemistrySolid waste managementPrasad Prahlad Pujar7September2016
2CommerceHow to mitigate risk using the tool derivativeDeepa T M9March2017
3CommerceIndian Contract Act 1872Deepika Upadhyay19November16
4CommerceTheory of Constraints – Throughput AccountingKavithaJayakumar_VeertaTantia10February17
5CommerceCheque truncation systemKrishna Prasath S18 Sep 2017
6CommerceRedemption of preference sharesLakshmi B6 Jan 2017
7Computer ScienceC++Anita H B12 Jan 2017
8Computer ScienceJava scripDeepa V Jose21Jan2017
9Computer ScienceResearch methodologyKirubanand V B12Jan2017
10Computer ScienceCompression Techniques for Multimedia DataRamamurthy B19Nov2017
11EconomicsEconomic integrationAswathyRachelVarughese19Nov2017
12Engineering CivilDifferent types of loads in mechanicsAnn Megha James9Feb2017
13Engineering CivilStatic Indeteminancy and Genomatic IndeterminancyAshwin D1Feb2017
14Engineering CivilDetermination of reduced levels by fly levellingKayam Praveen Kumar2Feb2017
15Engineering CivilIntroduction to design of steel structuresNaveenkumar D T1Feb2017
16Engineering CivilAnalysis of shearing prestress concrete membersYogesraj Urs1Feb2017
17Engineering CSEInheritanceMahesh D S1Feb2017
18Engineering CSEPush Down AutomataMithun B N25Oct2016
19Engineering CSETransaction managementNaveen J10Feb2017
20Engineering CSEDepth First Search and Bipartite GraphPraveen Naik28Oct2016
21Engineering CSEIntroduction to JOGLRiana Anto1Feb2017
22Engineering CSEObject Oriented Programming ConceptRohini G1Feb2017
23Engineering CSEIntroduction to PipeliningSumy Joseph1Feb2017
24Engineering CSEProperties of DecompositionVishwanathan1Feb2017
25Engineering ECECoulombs Law of Electrostatics and Electric Field IntensityAbhijith B N1Feb2017
26Engineering ECERectifierAnu Antony24Apr2017
27Engineering ECERFID technology and applicationsAnudeep K14Feb2017
28Engineering ECE8086 Memory InterfaceChandra Mukherjee1Feb2017
29Engineering ECEIntroduction to digital electronicsDelson T R1Feb2017
30Engineering ECESpeech vs silence discriminationInbanila K19Nov2017
31Engineering ECEFPGA Design FlowMahendra Vucha18Apr2017
32Engineering ECEFrequency planning in mobile cellular wireless communicationPartha R2Feb2017
33Engineering ECERectifiers and Bridge RectifiersRensy P Kuncheria13Apr2017
34Engineering ECEDigital Image ProcessingShantha Kumar1Feb2017
35Engineering ECEBasics of Microstrip Antennas and the TrendsSuganthi S9Feb17
36Engineering ECEBasics of data communicationsSushanth G1Feb17
37Engineering EEEThree Phase InvertersParag Jose18Nov16
38Engineering MechDrawingBen Rajesh P1Feb17
39IMCUSupply ChainArcot Purna Prasad2Apr18
40IMCUIndustrial MoraleArti Arun Kumar14Feb17
41IMCUAnalytics for FinanceBikramaditya Ghosh21Sep16
42IMCUIntroduction to Project ManagementDakshina Murthy23Mar17
43IMCUSocial Learning TheoryDevi Soumyaja26Aug2016
44IMCUQuality Function DeploymentFernandes Joseph8Mar17
45IMCUDebt Recovery process in IndiaSreelakshmi P25Jan17
46IMCUHighlights of the Bankruptcy CodeSreelakshmi P25Jan17
47IMCUExcel for Finance IIKrishna M C10Mar17
48IMCUBuilding of a Data warehouseLakshmi Iyer21Mar17
49IMCUExcel for Finance ILatha Ramesh13Mar2017
50IMCUIntroduction to managementNavodita Mishra20Apr2017
51IMCUBanking industry and its linkages with macro economic parametersRamachandran T S28Sep2016
52IMCUChange Management in ERP implementationRamakrishnan N13Mar2017
53IMCUTypes of retailers in IndiaRupesh Kumar24Jan2017
54IMCUMacro EconimocsSivakantha Setty2Apr18
55IMCUIntroduction to Motivation and Abraham Maslow’s Hierarchy of NeedsSowmya C S25Aug16
56IMCUCollective BargainingVijaya Chandran A R20Apr17
57IMCUBasics of Human Resources Planning-HRPVillas Annigeri21Apr17
58IMCUPrinciples of Macro EconomicsHemalatha R5Jul17
59LawJudicial Control Over Administrative Discretion Part1JarripothulaAdinarayana18Nov16
60LawJudicial Control Over Administrative Discretion Part2JarripothulaAdinarayana18Nov16
61LawJudicial Control Over Administrative Discretion Part3JarripothulaAdinarayana18Nov16
62LawJudicial Control Over Administrative Discretion Part4JarripothulaAdinarayana18Nov16
63LawJudicial Control Over Administrative Discretion Part5JarripothulaAdinarayana18Nov16
64LawThe Government of India Act 1935Pukhraj Agarwal23Sep16
65LawLaw of International Armed ConflictSanjay Shenoi P19Nov17
66Life SciencesHow Environmental conservation was practiced in Indian mythology and cultureAntoney P U27Sep16
67Life SciencesAcid rain and ozone layer depletionPraveen N7Sep16
68Life SciencesMontreal and Kyoto protocolPraveen N7Sep16
69Life SciencesNature reserves and tribal populationPraveen N7Sep16
70Life SciencesSoil pollutionSayantanD7Sep16
71Life SciencesDisaster ManagementVasantha V L7Sep16
72Life SciencesResettlement and rehabilitation of peopleVasantha V L7Sep16
73Life SciencesPollution Case studiesPrasad Prahlad Pujar8Aug16
74Management StudiesGrand StrategiesPrashanth Rao20Oct16
75Management StudiesJob analysisRaghavendra A N14Oct16
76MathematicsUniform continuity of a functionFr Joseph Varghese9Aug16
77MathematicsNowhere differentiableFrJosephVarghese4Oct16
78PsychologyCrisis and Trauma CounselingAnuradha Sathiyaseelan12Jan17
79PsychologyCrisis and Trauma Counseling- phases, reactions and interventions modelAnuradha Sathiyaseelan12Jan17
80PsychologyPhilosophical origins of psychologySanthosh K R3Dec16
81Theatre And Performing ArtsKamalakumar BE 2016-17_JayadevaKamalakumar B E19Nov20
82LawDivorce- Family Law CIA-3 by Assistant Prof. Jayanthi BhaiJAYANTHI BAI H L19Nov20
83LawAdoption – Family Law CIA-3 by Assistant Prof. Jayanthi BhaiJAYANTHI BAI H L19Nov20
84CJC BiologyHomologous and Analogous organs in animalsSincy A H Scaria27Sep17
85CJC BiologyMounting of Transverse Section of Hibiscus ovaryGayathri Lekshmi S27Sep17
86CJC BiologyStaining of Nucleic acidGayathri Lekshmi S18Sep17
87Theatre And Performing ArtsNatyotpattiSandhya19Nov20
88Theatre And Performing ArtsNayikaVijay Madhavan19Nov20

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