Service-learning promotes student participation in community service with academic instruction, focusing on critical, reflective thinking and civic responsibility. The service-learning programme at CHRIST (Deemed to be University) encourages students to work in the community to address community-identified needs while honing their academic skills and commitment to social responsibility practice. Service-learning allows students to capitalize on their cognitive, affective, intuitive, and societal characteristics that differentiate learners from other learners. Through service learning, students are empowered to explore their interests and work towards solving societal problems, employ leadership skills, and examine their sense of justice while investigating authentic community issues and concerns. Interested Deaneries and Departments take up service-learning with an intent to keep the core concept intact while modifying it to suit the department/discipline-specific requirements. Service Learning is practiced by the following departments.i.e, Sociology and Social Work, Psychology, Media Studies, Mathematics, Economics, Professional Studies, Commerce, Business and Management, English and Cultural Studies, Computer Science, School of Education, School of Law and School of Engineering.
Our experience in practicing service-learning reveals that once students get exposure to the social realities and the adverse circumstances faced by the marginalized sections of society, they start contributing their time and resources to support the disadvantaged sections of society.
The Centre for Service Learning will provide experiential learning opportunities to students through a deeper understanding of the community’s needs and help in social, academic, and cognitive development. The community will be the direct beneficiaries of the actions and activities of the Centre for service learning.
Institutions Policy on Service Learning:
Vice Chancellor
Director CSA
Professor, Department of Commerce
Director, Centre for Service Learning
Associate Professor, Department of Computer science and Engineering, School of Engineering and Technology, Bangalore Kengeri Campus
Assistant Professor, Department of Business and Management, School of Business and Management, Bangalore Bannerghatta Road Campus
Assistant Professor, Department of English and Cultural Studies, School of Arts and Humanities
Assistant Professor, Department of Psychology, School of Social Sciences
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