Manikgarh Hills Community Development Project (MHCDP)

Manikgarh Hills Community Development Project (MHCDP) (Sustained)

Manikgarh Hills Community Development Project (MHCDP) was started in August 2009 by the Centre for Social Action with the help of Kindernothilfe (KNH), Germany, aimed to create an ideal society, which would provide ample opportunity to children for their holistic development by covering 24 villages in Jiwati Taluk in Chandrapur Dist. The target communities were Gond Tribes, Kollam Tribes (One of the extinct tribes of India), the Banjara Nomadic tribes, and Dalits.

Main Issues

Changes Brought

A total of 91 Self Help Groups (SHGs) (1015 members), 8 Cluster Level Associations (CLAs), 1 Federation, 24 Village Development Committees (VDCs), 14 Children’s Parliament have been formed. A sum of Rs. 80 Lakhs has been mobilized through the savings and the inter-loaning. The total revolving capital stands at Rs.21,69,515. A Community Resource Centre has been constructed in the locality. The project is handed over to the local federation to ensure sustainability.

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